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First Aid training for our P7 year group
Today in St Patrick’s our complete P7 year group took part in a very special First Aid training workshop. Our children were guided by Pat and Kelly from the “Safe Hands” medical training group, in what proved to be a fantastic morning of practical life saving demonstrations.
Firstly, Pat and Kelly demonstrated how to deal with someone who was choking showing us how to give firm back slaps and then if the issue continued how to deliver abdominal thrusts safely. The children were also shown how to deal with a baby choking too.
The group were then told what “anaphylaxis” was and how some children within our own class and school community suffer from a range of allergies. Some of these allergies can affect the body so quickly that medicine inside a special “Epi-pen” has to be given to the person as quickly as possible. Again every child had a go at using these life saving “Epi-pen” devises property on themselves and on their partners.
Next of all was how to place an unconscious casualty who was still breathing into the recovery position. It was good fun.
Then came the hardest bit, CPR on an unconscious person who was no longer breathing. All children had the opportunity to delivery chest compressions on our “casualty” lying on the ground and most importantly learned how to work as a team counting and keeping the proper rhythm of compressions while delivering CPR. The children also had the opportunity to open up a defibrillator and apply the pads to our casualty’s chest and applying a shock if needed.
A massive thank you to Pat and Kelly, who both work in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast in the cardiac and emergency response departments, for sharing their wealth of life saving knowledge and practical skills with us today.
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk