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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
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P6 Shared Ed World Cup Celebration

22nd Nov 2022

What a fun-filled day our Primary 6 pupils had in school yesterday! As part of our Shared Education Programme, our friends from Hardy Memorial Primary School in Richhill joined us in school for our World Cup Celebration Day. 🏆


Our lucky pupils had 3 activities:


  • A conversational French lesson, delivered by Miss McMahon and four Year 13 pupils from St. Patrick’s Grammar School, Armagh.


  • An Art/ICT lesson creating physical symmetrical patterns then using a Kaleidoscope app to produce beautiful images.


  • A PE lesson, delivered by Healthy Kidz coaches, with games, races and football skills.


Thank you to all who helped make the day so fun, and thank you to our own pupils for their behaviour and effort throughout the entire day.