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At St Patricks Primary School children follow the statutory requirements of the Northern Ireland curriculum in which the five areas of study for primary schools are defined as: -
Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Numeracy, The World Around Us, Religion, ICT, PDMU, The Arts, Physical Development and Movement, Foundation Stage
As a Catholic Maintained school we regard our religious education as very important in establishing and maintaining our Catholic ethos. Catholic attitudes and values permeate the whole school day and provide the backdrop against which the educational process takes place in our school.
You may wish to see or read more about the school curriculum in St Patrick’s by clicking on a particular subject.
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk