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Religious Education
As a Catholic Maintained school we regard our religious education as very important in establishing and maintaining our Catholic ethos. Catholic attitudes and values permeate the whole school day and provide the backdrop against which the educational process takes place in our school.
We follow the Alive O programme from P1 to P7. This is further enhanced by visits from our school Chaplain, Fr Thomas Mc Hugh, preparation for the Sacraments, wholeschool assemblies which celebrate religious festivals and the regular attendance at Mass in the Cathedral.
During the school year we avail of opportunities to invite our wider school community into the school. Regular class Assemblies, the Nativity performances at Christmas, the special service to celebrate the role of Grandparents in our lives and the family Mass after First Communion are some of the ways we enhance our relationship with families and encourage the development of our faith in our community.
Religious Education
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk