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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh

Using ICT


Using Information and Communication Technology (UICT) is an exciting and rapidly changing area of the curriculum.  It has the potential to transform and enrich pupils' learning experiences and environments.  In St. Patrick’s Primary School the children are motivated by its inclusion in all aspects of their work.  It develops self esteem and promotes positive attitudes to learning.

At our school, ICT is taught and developed as a cross-curricular subject. The children are using their ICT skills in all subjects to enhance their work at every available opportunity.   They are involved in experiences to develop their skills, across the 5 E's of Using ICT.    

St. Patrick’s currently have at least two computers/laptops in every classroom. Each classroom has an Interactive Whiteboard, which is further complemented by children and teachers having access to additional laptops in specific resource areas. Each class is timetabled for regular lessons in our Computer Suite.  The varied access to and use of ICT enhances the quality of the children’s teaching and learning.

We are developing the ways we use iPads in St. Patrick's.  We find that many children have access to iPads at home and are using them very skilfully playing games.  Our challenge is to develop practical skills for Education and the Workplace whilst encouraging creativity. Our staff work with a range of outside agencies to enhance our personal skills and enable us to support our children's learning.

The school aims to continue to expand its ICT provision, as we are aware of how ICT is altering the way children learn and how it will affect their future lives. You will see on our website many examples of children of all ages working at computers.


Using ICT

8th Feb 2023
The P1 children enjoyed ‘Digiduck‘ stories written by Lindsay Buck from...
22nd Nov 2022
What a fun-filled day our Primary 6 pupils had in school yesterday! As part of...
13th Apr 2022
Over the past few months, our P4s have been working collaboratively online with...
5th Apr 2022
Today, the Primary Seven classes participated in an INTERNET SAFETY AWARENESS workshop...
1st Mar 2022
Mrs Smith’s P4 class were very lucky indeed to be invited to meet local author...
6th Feb 2022
Tuesday 8th February is ‘Safer Internet Day’ globally. Over past...
7th Feb 2021
Safer Internet Day this year is Tuesday 9th February. On this day, many organisations...
8th Mar 2020
Through Literacy work, P4’s have been learning how to research information...