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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh

P7 Victorian Inventions Workshop

24th Jun 2021

Mrs Perry’s, Mr O Hare’s and Mrs Bennett’s  P7 classes all took a trip down to the Mall last week to visit the Armagh County Museum. As part of their WAU programme in term three, the pupils took part in a Victorian inventions workshop organised by the museum education officer, Sarah. 

Sarah emphasised the importance of the Victorian inventions on display, as each invention in one form or another was still being used in today’s modern age. This hands on workshop allowed pupils to touch, study and investigate different types of telephone, typewriters, bicycles, washing machines, cameras and computers.

The classes walked on down the Mall to where the statue of the little girl stands, commemorating the Armagh Rail Disaster on 12th June 1889. More local history to discuss.