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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh

Breakfast/Afterschool Clubs

St Patricks Breakfast Club and Fun Club have been in existence for many years, both are within the school complex and run by school staff. These clubs have been tremulously successful.

Breakfast Club

8.00 am - 8.45am

This club caters for children P1 - P7 who require supervision and or breakfast until the school day begins. The breakfast club offers a healthy breakfast of cereal, milk, juice, toast, low fat spread and jam. We have created a little oasis where the children have healthy food and a calm start to the day, and as a result they can concentrate harder, work better and they are in school on time.

Fun Club

2pm - 4.45pm

This club caters for children P1 - P7, offers a variety of fun games and activities in a safe supervised environment. The club offers a variety of positive opportunities for children to play in a child centred setting. It is a chance for children to develop new skills and interact with peers. The club offers a space and support for children to complete homework, and participate in informal activities to develop their confidence and motivation.


13th Mar 2024
Armbands? ✅Swimming goggles? ✅Speedos? …Then we’re all set...
11th Mar 2024
What a great start to our Walk-to-School initiative as part of Sustrans in Northern...
8th Mar 2024
We are delighted to share that St. Patrick's Primary School will be participating...
15th Dec 2023
Amidst all the joy of Christmas dinners, Nativity performances, Nursing home visits...
30th Mar 2023
This morning’s assembly gave us a chance to say thank you and goodbye to a...
10th Feb 2020
Well done to our P7 pupils who were selected to take part in Mr Kelly's IZAK9 after-school...
26th Oct 2017
Promoting Armagh Apples in Halloween Fun Club
28th Feb 2017
Guess how many pancakes were made in Fun Club on Shrove Tuesday???
6th Dec 2016
The Fun Club children are getting ready for Christmas.  Everyday they are engrossed...
6th Dec 2016
The boys and girlls who come to Breakfast Club enjoy fun and games after Breakfast....